Field Day 2012

date: 2012-06-19

On the 15th of June 2012 in the fields of Pedigree stud-farm “Omskiy” of Maryanovskiy area the specialists of Omsk Experimental Plant of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science together with Basis LTD conducted demonstration show of new samples of fodder production machinery. A new Head of Omsk region Viktor (Ivanovich) Nazarov took part in the opening of the “Field Day”. The Director of “Omsk Experimental Plant” Maxim Chekusov told about the design and the advantages of the machines and equipment.

After the show there was organized a seminar devoted to the following topic: “New technologies of fodder procurement and production for cattle-breeding”. The representatives of a German firm “Buschoff”, OJSC “Technika-servis” of Voronezh, “Navigator – Novoe machinosroenie” Ltd. of Perm made a speech at the seminar. Within the seminar the Head of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov met with the heads of the largest agricultural farms in Omsk region and specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. At the meeting the questions of further development of Agroindustral complex of the region were discussed.