Presidium of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science

date: 2012-08-19

On the 15-16th of August 2012 in Tomsk there took place the meeting and scientific session of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, Presidium of the Siberian regional branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science and Tomsk region Administration. Over 200 people participated in the work of the meeting. Among them there were Presidium members, scientists of the Siberian regional branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, directors of State Scientific Institutions and Federal State Unitary Enterprises, principals of the agricultural institutions of higher education in the Siberian Federal District, heads and specialists of agricultural bodies, public authorities and businessmen. A scientific session “Flax Growing in Siberia: the State and Prospects of Innovation Development” took place within the meeting. Scientists and technologists took part in the event. There were discussed the questions of selection, growing technologies, engineering and technical service of flax growing industry in Siberia, and also the prospects of the branch in general. M.S. Chekusov, Director of “Omsk Experimental Plant” delivered a presentation on the subject of “Mechanization of Fiber Flax Growing under Conditions of Western Siberia”.