International co-operation

date: 2012-09-11

On the 5th of September 2012 as a member of the delegation from Omsk region headed by the Governor and Chairman of the Government Viktor Ivanovich Nazarov, the Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Omsk Experimental Plant” of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science Maxim Sergeyevich Chekusov visited Northern Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The programme of the visit was full of meetings of heads and specialists in all sectors of the national economy, visits to industrial enterprises, health, cultural and educational institutions, agricultural production companies etc.

In the course of the visit there was signed a Dealership Agreement between the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Omsk Experimental plant” of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science and Limited Liability Partnership “Machines and Tractors Store” on selling the machinery of the Plant within the territory of Kazakhstan with an exhibition area arrangement.

Besides that there was signed a contract of intent with the Administration of Industrial Policy of the Northern Kazakhstan region on organization at industrial enterprises of the region of joint production of machinery of “Omsk Experimental Plant” for agricultural goods manufacturers of the republic of Kazakhstan.