Opening Agroomsk 2017

date: 2017-07-24

18 June in the city In Omsk opened the jubilee 15th Siberian agrotechnical exhibition-fair "Grooms 2017" During the opening of the exhibition stand of Omsk experimental plant was visited by a delegation which included first Deputy Minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation Hatuov Dzhambulat Hizirovich, the Governor, the Chairman of the government of the Omsk region Nazarov Viktor Ivanovich, Minister of agriculture and food of the Omsk region of Cheusov Maksim Sergeevich, heads of departments of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, members of the government of the Omsk region, heads of municipal districts and other stakeholders. Plant Manager Golovanov Dmitry Aleksandrovich introduced a new development of the enterprise, highlighting equipment for breeders and sortoispytatelnaya. Dzhambulat Hatuov Hizirovich appreciated products, Omsk experimental plant and stressed the importance of these products for agricultural production strange.