All-Russian agronomic meeting

date: 2018-02-12

January 31, 2018 in Moscow under the chairmanship of the Minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation An Tkachev held the all-Russian agronomic meeting, organized by the Ministry of agriculture of Russia and dedicated to the results of the crop industry in 2017.

The meeting discussed not only the results, but also the challenges facing the industry, including the implementation of the State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020. Important was the question of measures for the preparation and orderly conduct of the 2018 seasonal agricultural work.

On 2 February, the agriculture Ministry has provodilas all-Russia meeting of agricultural engineering services. The meeting discussed the organization of work of agricultural engineering services, the development of Russian agricultural machinery and tasks in the framework of the State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020", as well as the need for cooperation between the bodies of Gostekhnadzor, manufacturers of agricultural machinery and agricultural enterprises.

The Director of Federal state unitary enterprise "Omsk experimental plant" Dmitry Golovanov took an active part in the specified actions. The exhibition, organized by the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation in the framework of the meeting, the head of the plant has provided farmers with information on enterprise products, novelties of the current season and the special terms offered by the producers. Also, meetings were held with managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises of Russia's regions, scientific organizations and affiliates gearteeth Russia, in the framework of which they discussed issues of supply of machinery and equipment of the FSUE "SEZ" for the upcoming planting season.