Demonstration of equipment in the Novosibirsk region

date: 2018-05-03

on April 26, 2018, in the Kupino district of the Novosibirsk region, on the basis of the farm Pyrkov PS, in the village of Rozhdestvenka, a seminar-meeting was held on the presentation of new samples of agricultural machinery produced by the FSUE «SEZ».
Were invited leaders and specialists of the authorities of agriculture Department, heads and experts of farms, the head of the peasant - Kupinsky ,Bagan, Karasuk, Chistoozernogo and Zdvinskogo areas.  the Organizers of this event are the Department of agriculture Kupinsky district and the administration of the Federal state unitary enterprise "SEZ". About sixty people took part in the seminar.
The seminar consisted of two parts:

Part 1. The presentation of the equipment on the basis of KFKH P. Pyrkov S., in the village of Rozhdestvenka.
 was demonstrated by seeding complex which includes cultivator «lover» COP-7.4 and two growing complex of modular type "SOWER 3.6 M”. The sowing complex simultaneously produces soil processing and sowing of small-seeded, grain, legumes and herbs. The sowing complex has been successfully working on the fields of the Novosibirsk region and the Altai territory for four years.
Was demonstrated trailed subsoiler PRP-5,6 “Titan”. The advantage is that the included chisel plow and a disc cutter can work independently. This instrument is in demand by rejuvenation of perennial grasses in the development of abandoned land. All equipment is included in the program №1432.

Part 2. The meeting was held in the auditorium of the CDC «Siberia» in the city of Kupino. A small concert was held before the meeting.
Specialists of the plant told in detail about the products. The issues were covered: service maintenance of the sold equipment, work to improve the quality of the produced equipment, development of new equipment, work on the implementation of proposals and comments of agricultural producers.
In the meeting, was attended by scientists of GNU “Omsk ants” the report “the Technology of cultivation of grain crops, application of fertilizers, new varieties”. The whole meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere. The meeting was concluded a number of contracts for the sale of equipment "SEZ"