Regional meeting of the Ministry of agriculture and food of Omsk region

date: 2019-01-18

17.01.2019 in the city of Omsk under the patronage of the Ministry of agriculture and food of the Omsk region on the basis of the company LLC " avtospetsmash »held a regional meeting« Material and technical support of agricultural enterprises of the Omsk region in 2018, the objectives and prospects of development in 2019.”

 FSUE «SEZ» took an active Part in the meeting, as an exhibit at the exhibition site of the meeting was presented a universal sowing complex of modular type «Sower-3,6 M», Director of the plant Ph. D. Golovanov made a report: «the Results of the agricultural machinery industry of the Russian Federation in 2018. The effectiveness of technical re-equipment within the framework of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 №1432", the results of 2018 and prospects for 2019". Specialists of the plant held a number of meetings with heads and specialists of agricultural enterprises and farms of the region.