Conference on the topic «Preparation and performance of spring field work»

date: 2019-04-24

19th April, 2019 FSUE «Omsk Experimental Plant» took an active part in the regional conference on the topic «Preparation and performance of spring field work», which was held in Vaganovo village of the Kemerovo region. At the event were the Deputy Governor Alexei Kharitonov, the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Processing Industry Andrei Aritkulov, heads and main specialists of the regional agricultural departments, representatives of scientific and educational institutions, providers of equipment, seeds and fertilizers, heads of farms. During the conference, sales manager V.V. Yermolenko held talks with the heads of large agricultural enterprises and farms. During the meeting, cooperation issues were discussed. It was reached the preliminary agreements on the supply of equipment by FSUE «OEZ» to the Kemerovo region.