
date: 2011-11-29



The largest agricultural exhibition “Agritechnica-2011” took place from  13th to 19th of November 2011 in Hanover. More than 2700 companies from all over the world participated in it as exhibitors. The Russian Federation was represented by 15 firms, including the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Omsk Experimental Plant” of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science. Participation of a machine building enterprise from Siberia with its own exhibits in such an important event is a landmark not only for the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, because it happened for the first time, but for the whole Omsk region.

The specialists of the Plant established more than 1000 contacts during the exhibition. The stand of “Omsk Experimental Plant” attracted attention of delegations from many countries of Europe and Asia. The agrarians from Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine, and also from Tyumen, Smolensk and other regions of the Russian Federation showed heightened interest towards tilling machinery produced by the Plant. The selection and seed-growing machinery and equipment attracted great attention of the visitors. These machines were interesting for scientists and practical workers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Belarus, the Ukraine and Moldova.

During the exhibition meetings with suppliers of component parts for the machinery produced by Omsk Experimental Plant were arranged and conducted. European and Asian companies offered elements of hydraulic systems, wheels and tyres, plastic and rubber items, working tools, precise casting and many more for consideration. The contacts with foreign companies for supplying of component parts to Omsk Plant are established for the next year.

In addition, during the exhibition the representatives of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Omsk Experimental Plant” of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science took part in the official opening of the exhibition and the international investment forum “Investment Opportunities for Agricultural Machine Building in Kazakhstan Republic”.

At the exhibition Omsk Plant received a certain number of offers from Eastern-European agricultural machinery producers for establishing a joint venture on it’s base.

The specialists of the Plant visited a number of the largest agrarian machine building works in Germany. The most valuable experience in production process arranging was received at the works “Amazone” that is engaged in manufacturing of distributing and spraying machines for fertilizers. A high rate of automatization of production process and storage facilities was found at the works “Grimme” producing machinery for growing vegetables.

In October 2011 the representatives of Belgian flax machinery producing company “UNION” headed by Mr. Louis van Hogendorp visited Omsk Experimental Plant with a view to consider the opportunities of joint production or assembling of flax machinery within the territory of Omsk region. During the “Agritechnica – 2011” the specialists of Omsk Experimental Plant visited this company back, where they get acquainted with production of the state-of-the-art flax machinery and discussed prospects of localization of the production of this machinery in Omsk.


На стенде hatzenbichler

На стенде Amazone

На стенде выставка Agritechnika

Переговоры с компанией Amazone

Переговоры с представителем монгольской республики

Посещения завода Union

Посещения завода Amazone

Стенд ФГУП "ОЭЗ" Россельхозакадемии